Trans-European Transport Networks: Update of Rail Transport in the Union as a Globalizing Challenge
Trans-European networks, transport, economic and social cohesion, regional development, internal marketAbstract
Transport infrastructure in the European Union is an important means of facilitating the interconnection of its Member States and is a key instrument for completing the internal market. Although Trans-European networks have been considered in the construction of Europe since the last decades of the 20th century, their achievements are still limited and rise problems which require updating of objectives and meeting the scheduled deadlines. Trans-European transport networks, particularly in the rail sector, are becoming more topical because of the needs identified, but they must be seen in the light of transport policy and cohesion within the Union. The existing shortcomings need to be addressed in a changing context, mainly because of environmental and strategic objectives. The problems involved require management and financing improvements, but also some regulatory changes to facilitate the timely completion of these networks.
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