UNESCO and the Governance of Artificial Intelligence in a Globalized World. The Need for a New Legal Architecture
Artificial Inteligence, international governance to control the AI, UNESCO, ethics in AI, regulation of AI., Human Rights, lawAbstract
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a high-risk technology that is globally interconnected and currently lacks regulation in international treaties, except in the European Union. Attempts at international governance to control AI are restricted to human rights or business forums. The race between the United States and China to develop AI pushes the possibility of common legislation even further. This research work proposes to build a new legal architecture on this technology that directs autonomous vehicles, electricity supply, the granting of a job or insurance, as well as drones and new types of autonomous weapons. In the first global action on AI, UNESCO has approved its recommendation on ethics in AI for 193 Member States and this can be considered the first attempt to standardize the regulation of AI at the transnational level.
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