Human rights in an area of interculturality, vision from an analog hermenutics



Human rights, analogical hermeneutics, multiculturalism, interculturality, analogical universals, intercultural dialogue


In multicultural fields it is easy to distort the idea of Human Rights, since one of its fundamental characteristics, its universality, can be lost; hence it is better to consider them of analogical hermeneutics, which means thinking them trying not to fall into closed univocisms that end up imposing a single vision by force, or in mistakes that can lead to solvent relativism. Starting from the idea of human rights and an intercultural vision of the relations between the different cultures, analogical hermeneutics, through dialogue and in the light of analogous universals, can offer instruments and answers to the problem of the universality of Human Rights, in short, through an intercultural dialogue.



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Author Biography

  • Mauricio Beuchot, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

    Institute of Philological Research (IIFL)

    Circuito Mario de la Cueva, Ciudad Universitaria

    Delegación Coyoacán

    04510 México, CDMX (México)


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How to Cite

Human rights in an area of interculturality, vision from an analog hermenutics. (2019). Anuario De La Facultad De Derecho. Universidad De Extremadura, 35, 327-344.