Poland's response to COVID-19 and the Principle of Legality: Illiberalism and Presidential Elections





coronavirus, COVID-19, emergency powers, illiberalism, Poland, elections, legality


In this paper we will study Poland’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, because said State is characterized by having taken the illiberal way since the accession to power of the political party Law and Justice (PiS). The main elements of the analysis will be, therefore, the politic and constitutional context of the country before and after PiS’ electoral success in 2015, the constitutional provisions about emergency powers and the effective governmental response to the COVID-19 crisis. For that purpose, we will use as a basis the studies of the Rule of Law in Poland, as well as a case study: the scheduled presidential elections of 10 May 2020. Having into account all these elements as a whole, we will ascertain that it is all part of the same strategy, whose target is the erosion of the Rule of Law and the principle of the separation of powers.


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How to Cite

Poland’s response to COVID-19 and the Principle of Legality: Illiberalism and Presidential Elections. (2020). Anuario De La Facultad De Derecho. Universidad De Extremadura, 36, 25-62. https://doi.org/10.17398/2695-7728.36.25